Your Facilitator

Your Facilitator

“Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself” – this wonderful quote by George Bernard Shaw has become the motto of my life. For me it means that I can become everything that I want to and not something that was forseen for me. It's my choice!

My name is Thorsten Oliver Kalnin, I studied Cognitive Neuroscience and I'm an Enterprise Agile Coach, Business and Executive Coach (SoC), Co-Active© Coach (CTI) and a professional Facilitator (IAF) since 2008. I'm running professional and corporate Trainings since 2003.

In addition to my work as a Coach for change management initiatives I'm also active as a Scrum Coach and Scrum Trainer as well as an Agile Coach. The last 17 years of working as an Agile Coach with a main focus on coaching and facilitation has influenced my professional career. I'm facilitating change initiatives as well as agile transformation in your company. In doing so, I am coaching your employees and managers, carrying out trainings and workshops, providing training for internal Agile Coaches as well as designing and facilitating workshops for achieving your desired goals together with you. Moreover, I am the initiatior of the Agile Coach Curriculum.

Besides, I am Communication Scout, trained LEGO© SeriousPlayTM Facilitator and Trainer for Training from the BACK of the Room!

What our customers say...

"After this training, you're feeling cheerful, you're bursting with ideas,

holding a detailed concept of your own training in your hands.

What more could you ask for?"

#Christine Neidhardt

Coach, Trainer, Consultant

The course has taught me a lot - and that's due to both

the method and the trainer's performance.

#Christoph Oberle

CEO Aeiforia GmbH


"Fun, inspiring, instructive!"

#(participant's identity withheld upon request)